Isle of Wight County Press from Newport, Isle of Wight, England (2024)

TS ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCIL SPORTS GRANTS AND COACHING 4010, BURSARY SCHEME 14 11116., f0 WIGHT re Applications are now being taken for Sports Grants and Coaching Bursary Scheme. Each year the IW Council allocate small amounts of money for individuals, clubs and coaches. Grants are available INDIVIDUALS Who are currently competing at County level or higher Are residents within the Isle of Wight boundary Individuals seeking assistance with travel costs to compete or to be coached CLUBS Who actively involve a Junior Sports Development Programme Clubs and Organisations whose activities are of direct benefit to the people of the Isle of Wight Clubs wishing to improve Accessibility and Opportunity for Disabled THE COACHING BURSARY SCHEME Enables coaches to-attend courses by helping with fees Subsidises a small part of any travel expenses Gives all coaches the opportunity to progress Gives new and developed coaches an opportunity to work with local schemes and initiatives being run by the Sports Unit The Sports Unit also assists clubs in the NATIONAL LOTTERY SPORTS FUND Pre-application Application consultation Post-application Available to any club wishing to apply for Sports Lottery Funding For an application form please contact the Sports Unit on IR 823818 Applications must be returned to the Sports Unit by April 30, 1999 THE IW Wightlink islanders sea- son begins at Smallbrook next Tuesday with a home National trophy match against Welsh invaders, the Newport Wasps. And like the rest of his team-mates, heat leader Scott Swain cannot wait for the tapes to rise and the action to begin. The 27-year-old Sussex based racer has good reason to get among the points straightaway he admits badly needing the monetary rewards speed- way can bring! "I've got a wife, two young kids, a mortgage and an overdraft to support, he quipped, "So the sooner I start scoring points and earning money the better! Scott has become a popular figure with IW fans since joining the club midway through last season after a spell in the Elite League with King's Lynn.

Racenights et Smallbrook are some- thing of a family outing with Scott joined by wife Lynette, children Charlie who celebrates his third birth- day next month and two- year-old Ellie May and his Mum and Dad. "Joining the club last year was the best move I've made in my speedway career and to help the team win the end of season play-offs for the Young Shield was terrific. Scott believes that the new look Wightlink Islanders squad can do even better this season than they did in 1998. "We've got a very strong squad, we get on really well together, the club's being backed by Wightlink and with our vociferous fans right behind us, the omens are very good for us mark my words." A double figure score is what Scott is looking to record on the opening night next Tuesday and such is his determi- nation to do well this year, that few would bet against him achieving it. Newport boss Tim Stone has booked in Exeter's Mark Simmonds as a guest for next Tuesday's opening meeting of the season for the Wightlink Islanders.

And that means a return to the IW for the rider who actually rode for the club for a spell when Skegness trans- ferred their operation to Smallbrook midway through the 1997 season. Great news for IW fans is that all three of their teenagers Danny Bird, Nick Simmons and newcomer Glen Phillips have been selected by the SCB to ride in the British under 21 semi-finals. And the three have been drawn to compete in the semi-final to be held on their own track a week next Tuesday (April 13). With the likes of Simon Stead, Paul Lee, Matt Read also in the line up, the home riders know they face a tough test to finish in the top five to qualify for the final at Peterborough later this month. The shareholders of Island Speedway (IW) Ltd held their annual meeting at Smallbrook last Sunday and changes to the board see both Jane Churchill and John Tarr elected as new directors.

Martin Newnham, unanimously re- elected as Chairman said, "I'm sure both Jane and John's input over the coming year will be extremely valuable. "At the same time, Alan Frost who failed to be re-elected to the board, should be thanked by everyone for all the hard work he has put in since the company was formed some 16 months ago." Scott Swain (above) Is eager for the new season to start. ISLANDERS SEASON GETS UNDERWAY ON TUESDAY ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY PRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1999 57 SPORTS DESK 24-HOUR LINE 535006 RESULTS SERVICE ON PAGE 59 SPORT 2 New captain Bob does his homework! RETIRED DEPUTY headteacher and Ven- tnor's newly elected cap- tain, Bob Young, did his homework before the club's annual meeting on Wednesday last week. He did so because of advance notice of a proposal by a member that a handicap no higher than 18 should apply in trophy competitions. Advocates of the proposal thought that high handicap- pers were at an unfair advan- tage under the existing arrangements, but Bob said this was not borne out by an analysis he had made of the results of 15 cup competitions.

These showed conclusively that far from the high handi- cappers making their mark, it was the Division 1 players who came out on top most, fol- lowed by those in Division 2. A vote on maintaining the status quo was overwhelmingly passed, with only three mem- bers against. Outgoing president George Stoten presented a carriage clock to Arthur Stead, retiring treasurer, as a small token of the club's appreciation of the 15 years of outstanding service he had given. The new presi- dent, Dr Warren Thompson, paid tribute to the great deal of work done by Mr Stoten in his three years at the helm and presented him with a gift. A presentation was also made to outgoing captain Barry Englefield, who described Ventnor as a unique club to which it was a joy to belong.

Reports showed that the club was in a satisfactory financial position and to main- tain this it was agreed to increase the annual subscrip- tion by seven-and-a-half per cent to £225. There is no additional join- ing fee for new members. In one of his final acts as president, Mr Stoten present- ed a handsome new trophy he. had donated, the Scratch Trophy, to Brian Price. Other main winners were, club champion: Gary Meszynski; Town Cup: Geoff Melville; Ken Tomes Aggregate: Pat Smith; Richard SperkesAvgate: Mark Pepperrell; Ray Hose regale: Richard Hicks; Par Mitchell; Captain's Day: Lee Cawley; President's Day: Neil Richards.

Jean Pianca, the new lady captain, paid tribute to the dedication of her predecessor, Barbara Bilton, for the suc- cessful year enjoyed by the ladies' section. Highlights were the ladies open, which attracted more than- tO entries from other clubs, and the mixed open, with 72 players taking part in a considerably oversubscribed event. The Shirley Tomes Rose Bowl was won by Jean Paris and Barbara Bilton was the winner of the Jim Gaile Trophy and the Jean Pianca Salver. SHANKLIN AND SANDOWN CLUB The annual Am-Am was held on Saturday which attracted visitors from all the Island clubs, but also signifi- cantly from ten clubs on the mainland, from as far as Honiton, Oxford and Herts. Unfortunately for most visi- tors the teams from Sandown proved that knowing the course does help.

Only the winning team contained a visi- tor, Paul Manning from Brookmans Park, who played with the captain, Alan Frame, secretary Alex Messing and member Ross Ellis. Hamble Veterans 1, IW 1 HAVING beaten Hamble sides on two occasions this season, the Island side were looking to make it three, but were unable to take advantage of their better attacking play. They started off as if they would overwhelm their opposi- tion, but failed to pass the ball in the Hamble and tried to power it through the goalkeep- er, when It would have been more productive to have passed to unmarked players just waiting to put the ball in the net. The second half started off much as the first with the Island making good attacks Having qualified in first place at the Southern Western Regional finals, the Island Schools representatives of Sam Hall, Nik Wells, Natalie Gesney and Lauren Roznowski travelled to Finchley, North London for the British Schools National finals. The championships were organised by Go Tenpin maga- zine and sponsored by Slush Puppy and Stirling School from Scotland triumphed with their overall pinfall of 1622 points.

The IW teams bowled out with a final score of 1482 series beating Nik Wells 8-0. pins just 140 behind the win- ners and in fourth place from unopposed points playing the ten finalists. The team would like to White and Daniel Danvers- thank the management of LA Jukes both won eight unop- Bowl at Ryde for their posed points playing against generous support throughout their averages. their preparations. The search for the high game and high series in Millennium Schools team will Division 2 bowling games of commence soon.

Bowlers who 106, 110 and a personal best of have an interest in school years 130 for a 346. She gained eight at 7, 8, 9 and 10 are invited to points from Daniel West. contact Sandra Main at LA Bowl and the eventual team Street 8-0 while Danielle There needed to be a count- back to decide second and third, and four teams tied for fourth so needing another countback. Thought will be given to providing separate prizes for visitors and mem- bers in future years to provide a little more encouragement. In the Smiths Coasters, a flag competition where players are allocated a number of shots based on their handicap and they place a flag where they finish.

The first pairs out reached the 18th hole and it was not until the last game, Stuart and Pearl Robertson, did the leading flag of Alex Messing and Sheila Manser get overhauled and by a long way, as the Robertson's holed out on the 19th (not the In the ladies' medal some good scores were posted. Jenny Domoney scored a very good 40 points to win the silver division and the same score was achieved by Jane Abbott to win the second bronze divi- sion prize. NEWPORT CLUB Newport's president, Phil Mills, off 19, shot a birdie at the 18th to snatch the winning card with 42 stableford points from Mike Newton (22) who bogied his last hole to finish with a commendable 41. Dave Boon (20) did better on the back-nine than Roger Cooper to end up with his 36 taking third. Significantly all five entered in maximum 12 handicap sec- tion won prizes.

Off 12 John Norman's 39 points was best. George Ringer (8) was ahead until the 18th where he blanked to finish with 38, George's brother, Rex (10) did the same on the 17th and fin- ished third with 37 points. However, Rex's back-nine was stronger than Mike Greenwood (9) who dropped to fourth and Bob Cragg (12) with the worst back-nine from a score of 37 picked up the remainder of the loose change. Sunday's medal saw Mike Greenwood's 66 strokes score a first among the under 17 handicappers. Dave Stockbridge (14) with his 67 came close enough at the 18th to have beaten him and Bob Cragg proved consistent for the second day running with a 69 for the third prize.

Among the above 16 Glyn Jenkins (19) championed with 71 strokes and Steve Gooch (17) was closing fast at 70. Don Langford never recovered enough from a pair of eights in the opening nine and ended third on 74. Langford did rather better in the Thursday medal with a score of 68 followed by John Lee taking out Dave Copp on a countback of 69. Above 17 handicap Martin Warder (18) did best of all with a 66 and Harry Flood narrowly beat Ron Pointer into second with 69. A countback with John French gave the nine-hole sta- bleford 20 points result to Ian Kenrick.

OSBORNE CLUB On a dull morning Osborne seniors opened the season with a new fixture against Highcliffe Castle Club. The result was a win for Osborne by to The highlight of the match was a hole in one by Ted Patrick. Another senior, David Aitken, also achieved a hole in one last Friday. and penetrating the Hamble defence and the ball was passed to Glen Lath who rock- etted the ball home. With five minutes to play, Hamble finally penetrated the Island's defence and Dave Ashman (who holds the world record for the number of goals scored in hockey, according to the Guinness book of Records) levelled.

The Island Club is looking for a retired player who would be willing to umpire for them for the season. All travelling expenses would be paid. Contact Terry Woodford on 527964. will consist of two girls and two boys and can be drawn from any Island school. A middle or single sex school can combine with one other school, more details later.

WIGHTLINK TEKNACRON LA BOWL YBC In Division 1, Ross Taylor took high game, bowling a 195, with games of 118 and 157. His 470 series took six points from Shaun Davison. Sam Hall had high series bowling games of 153, 171 and 190 making a 514 Amy Cummings gained four against her average and Phillip Lauren Roznowski took Daniel Swan beat Richard WESTERN WIGHT AC celebrated another successful season, when 65 members attended their awards ceremony at the Countryman, Brighstone, on Saturday night. Key Basham was presented with the clubman of the year trophy. Paul Fincham claimed the overall shore champion's title for the second year run- ning and Rod Whitewood col- lected the Nev Wheeler trophy as overall boat champion.

He also won the John Scott trophy for most specimens over 66 percent of the club record (seven), the Trevor Haward shield for best speci- men in boat competitions and the skate trophy. Fish of the Year went to Shaun Graham's Island shore record ballan wrasse of 51b.8oz. while Bill Armstrong won the Terry Bradley trophy for overall dinghy champion. Terry Wolfe cup for the mid- week champion went to Damian Geldard. The Whitbread Cup.

Presidents Cup. best three bass and best shore bass trophies were awarded to club chairman George Bernowicz. Mrs Burt Bass Cup, Steve Greenen, ladies bass trophy, Mrs Jill Waterhouse. Flounder three flounders. Ainsley Bennett.

Pout trophy, Neil Unstead Cod cup and Frank Salero trophy, Pete Cade. Red Lion award, Steve Clark. Atkinson conger trophy, Geoff Thorner Doug Sinclair won the Atkinson shore caught conger award, and the Knock Out cup where he defeated Justin Morris. Stewards trophy, Anthony Stanyon. Sfurgess shield, Martin Dove.

Russell trophy. Jim Langridge. Jack Starke Cup, Ray Wright. The Oddy pairs trophy was shared by George Knight and Paul Greenen. Medina cup, Evemy.

IW COMMUNITY Indoor Club's finals were played with some top class matches. Both the fours and triples were very close encounters and low scoring contests. In the fours, Eric and Bette Green and Joyce and Eddy Utteridge held on to Roy Appel, Dennis Lister, Mery Lockyer and Peter Dunstan until the 13th when they were 7-8 down. A three on the 15th signalled trouble for Eddy's team as Peter crept further away to win 17 10. The result of the triples however was in doubt until the 18th end.

Terry Flux, Mike Chapman and Mags Tyler never headed Steve Lewis, Greg Pullar and Dave Vincent and lost 13-16. In the men's singles Peter Clayton had a runaway 21-4 win against John Ross while in the ladies singles it took. Audrey Abraham a little longer to defeat Marjorie Tinker 21- 12. The club hosted a match against the famous Egham Ladies IBC and though beaten it was not the expected white- wash. Shirley Appel's and Mags Tyler's rinks coming in with wins of 17-13 and 21-9 respectively.

Audrey Abraham and Mary Holway went down 15-20 and 6-28 respectively to give Egham an 80-59 win. There was much delight in the Tyler household when the Street defeated Tom Munt Davies 8-0, Martin Lloyd beat Emma Vallender 6-2. Natalie Jesney beat Barry Lloyd 6-2. BROTHERS RESTAURANT MONDAY MIXED DOUBLES Smash Hits went hack on top after their 6-2 win over Muff Fits, Tim Trowbridge bowling a 567 scratch series. The Exiles climbed above It'll Do, into third spot, after beating 6-2 with Loraine Jesney bowling a 559 series.

Black Adders took all the points off Wroxall Terrors and in a close game Small Talk came out on top to defeat Dicky Tickers 6-2. SDS MONDAY FOURS With only four weeks left Bus Stoppers have won the wooden spoon, even though they took four points in their game with Artful Dodgers for whom Arthur Ayles rolled a scratch 224 game. Both Serena Flyers and Prince 107FM won their games 6-0. ROACH PITTIS YAH Alvin Brooks cup. Richard Russell Burt team winners- George Bernowicz, Mark Knight, Paul Fincham, Steve Greenen Ladies shore champion, Mrs Christine Bennett.

Ladies boat champion, Mrs Pam Toms. Junior shore champion. Adam Brown. Daryl Caws collected the junior triers trophy. The best junior specimen was awarded the Richard Smith.

Milo Pragnell won the Junior boat title, he also picked up the Bill Raynor cup for best junior bass, and the John Copeland trophy for best junior boat specimen. Boat fish of the month winners: December 98, Pete Cade. 421b. cod. February, Rod Whitewood, 161b.

undulate ray. March, Richard Russell, 41b.13oz. spotted ray. April, Jim Langridge 31b.11oz. whiting.

May. Rod Whitewood, 18Ib 4oz undulate ray. July. Milo Pragnell, 71b.121/2oz bass. August, Cliff Williams, 31b.11/2oz.

trig- ger fish. September, Geoff Thorner, 111b.11/2oz October, Mark Smith, 141b. undulate ray. November, Steve Barnaby. 27lb 12oz.

cod Shore. December 98, Ainsley Bennett, 21b.12oz. flounder. January 99. Martin Dove.

1Ib 8V2oz. whiting. February. Ainsley Bennett. 31b.31/2oz.

flounder. March, Des Jarvis. 51b.71/2oz. spotted ray. April, Chris Pledge, 10Ib 15oz painted ray.

May. Doug Sinclair, 104b 10oz. painted ray June, Graham Cuff, 21b.131/2oz silver eel. July, Shaun Graham, 51b.8oz. bal- lan wrasse.

August, Steve Clark, 31b.51/2oz. September, Jill Waterhouse, 10Ib.7V2oz. bass. October. Doug Sinclair.

61b.8oz. thick lipped grey mullet. November, Des Jarvis. 111b.113Aoz. thornback ray.

Junior league winner was Darryl Caws on 64 points, sec- ond Adam Brown 51, third Sam Clark 19 points. Best of species awards: Daryl Caws, silver eel. Adam Brown, ballan wrasse. Sam Clark, dogfish. Erica Willams, flounder.

S. Clark, pouting. Western Wight will be hold- ing their first open match of the year on Saturday, April 17, a pegged fixture at Shanklin that last year saw a couple of outdoor club notified Bob Tyler that he'd been made the club's first male Life Member. Bob has led a team of workers putting in hours of work on the outdoor greens, improving the end banks to meet English Bowling Association standards in order that Plessey BC can host the prekigious Middleton Cup games on their greens. IWIBC With the indoor season nearly at its end it is now known who some of the league winners are.

The Monday Evening A League came to a nail-biting conclusion when Peter Furmidge's rink beat Roy Large's team to clinch the title with 42 points just two ahead of Harry Brownsdon. At the bottom Pip White's team won their last match and saved themselves from relega- tion. In the Thursday Evening League Les Boorman's rink has secured the title and will play in the Division A next year. At the top of the Tuesday Evening League with two games left to play just one point separates Paul Griffith and Roy Large with Trevor Mitchell following closely behind. The Independent Order of Oddfellows Monday A Division has been won by Sheila Manser's rink.

The win- ner of the' Division and pro- WEDNESDAY DOUBLES Ruth Trueman rolled high ladies scratch game of 190 (242) and high ladies handicap series of 620. to secure six points for True Blue. Audrey Tigg of opponents Tiggywinkles had high ladies scratch series of 473 and sec- ond highest game of 186 (228). Percy Morris of Buccaneers had high scratch male game 232 (253) and second best series of 533 to win eight points. Derek Skilton had consis- tent games of 200, 199 and 207 for the top series of 606 and six points for Pure Magic.

The Bettice-Dean family trophies were awarded to Carol Castle and David Harris for achieving best above aver- age female and male week March 17. Special awards were made to Alan Ball and Walter Tilley. MOTHER GOOSE WEDNESDAY TRIOS In the run up to the league's final week, the positions are pretty well cut and dried. Paul Higgins rolled this fine fish returned to scales. Paul Fincham beached a 251b.

plus conger in winning, and Drew Garrett's 121b.4oz. painted ray which was the best of species within the NFSA during 1998. Sponsored by IDS Couriers, the competition will he fished between 7 pm and midnight, weigh in at Hurricanes Rugby Club, by 1 am. Entry fee is £6, and there is a 100 percent pay- out on prizes. Anglers can hook on at tackle shops until 2 pm on April 17, or at the rugby club between 5 pm and 6.30 pm, when all pegs will be drawn.

Also the next junior comp will be on Saturday night (April 3) at Yarmouth Pier 7 pm to 11 pm, hook on at pier head. Stuart's Bait Tackle Open Only five anglers managed to weigh on Sunday's Stuart Bait Tackle pegged open at East Cowes. Pete Kilshaw won with a single plaice of 31b.51/4oz., worth £225 as first prize, plus another £45 on the heaviest fish sweep. Ady Newbold picked up for his 21b.61/4oz. total in second spot.

Third, and a prize went to Nigel Hunnybun on 21b.61/4oz. Fourth for £45 was won by Alan Abrook's Unluckiest angler was Justin Morris who missed out on some cash with SCOTTIES MINI OPEN signed up for the Scotties pegged match at St Helens also held on Sunday and Simon Dillon snatched victory away from Richard Smith with the last cast of the day. Simon sneaking in a 21b.91/2oz. flounder at the death, taking a first prize of motion is Jack Mackrell and Jean Robinson has won Division and also gains pro- motion. On Tuesdays the winner of the Islandwide Carpet Warehouse Division A is John Hollidge with any one of four teams vying for runners-up.

In the Division it looks as though David Hastings rink will be top but should they fal- ter Pat Wheeler's team is poised to overtake them with three more teams also waiting in the wings to seize the second promotion spot. In the Division Ron Layson, Ken Stamp and Roy Hayward's rinks are jockeying for the promotion places with just one point separating them. Vic Wade's rink has won the Goddard's Brewery Division. In all three divisions of the Wight Motors Thursday Leagues it seems likely the win- ners and runners-up will not be known until the last matches of the season have been played. In Division A just three points separate the top three teams, Ian Morrill's rink hav- ing 40 points, Ken Keen's 39 and Arthur Andrews with 38.

The final match on April 8 could well be the decider when Morrill will challenge Keen. At the bottom, Mary Holway's team are likely to he relegated with the rink of Ken Walker. Having led Division for most of the season David Hasting's team need to have comfortable wins in their week's top men's game with a 210 in his 553 scratch series for Balls Us and helped steer them to a maximum points win over the Scutters. Pete Wells rolled the top series, a 560 that included a 201 game for Richard Heads and with a 518 back up from Paul Farrell, they took a 6-2 advantage over the Rakketeers to reach an unassailable posi- tion at the top of the league. Cathy Warren howled the top ladies series, a 489 that included two 169 games, and with team mate Anne Davison recording the top ladies game of 174 in a 580 series, Girls on Top were still at the wrong end of a 6-2 game against Goosed Again.

Escapees shared the points with the Fuzzies in a rearranged game. Escapees bounced back, however, the following night with an 8-0 vic- tory over Bowled as Brass, Alan Simpson recording a 532 series for the winners. YAH FRIDAY TRIOS Honours this week go to Jim Wigzell who rolled scratch £60 plus £25 on the sweep- stake. Richard taking home £40 for his Ilb.03/4oz. flounder.

They were the only two to catch, four other £10 awards were drawn out of the hat with Alan and Ashley Bravery, Bill Armstrong and Pete Bennett profiting from a lack of fish. PEGGED COMPETITION Castaways in conjunction with BDI are hosting a pegged fixture at Shanklin on Bank Holiday Monday (April 5), between 4 pm and 10 pm. Weigh in will take place at the Shanklin Deep Sea AC club- house until 11 pm, and refreshments will be available. Entry fee is £5, plus a £1 heaviest fish sweep with a 100 percent payout in prizes and pools. Fishing will take place in two pegged zones between Horseshoe Ledge and Hopes Groin, additional prizes are being donated by Castaways and Pema Bakery.

There will also he a junior prize. Sign on at Castaways until midday on Sunday, April 4. No entries will be accepted after this, the shop will be open for bait and tackle only on the Monday of this compe- tition. IW OPEN BOAT A reminder that this year's IW Open Boat Competition sponsored by the IW Council, will take place between October 12 and 14. Following this the NFSA Personal Members boat festival will be held on Saturday, Sunday, October I'm sure a number of com- petitors will be travelling to the Island to fish both events, so an early enquiry to John Sands at Wight Leisure for spaces might be advisable.

Contact John on 823836. matches to hold on to the num- ber one slot. Just one point separates them from the rink of Barry Barnes who have a slightly bet- ter shot difference. Again the final outcome could very much depend on the result of the match between Barnes' rink and Ian Slocombe's team who are in third position. Tom Blyth's rink are bottom of the table and due to be rele- gated with the rink of either David Moye or John Hughes.

In Division the rinks of Sheila Jago and Joyce Murgatroyd are in joint first position. However, Sylvia Taylor's team who are in third place could overtake them should the top two teams lose their remaining matches. The Friday Day League Division A has been won by Ken Keen and the Sunday Afternoon Triples league win- ners are George Sparkes team. There has been only one competition played this week, the quarter-final of the Over- 60s Mixed Pairs between Alpha and Barry Simpson and Daphne Nicholson (substitut- ing for Ann Sothcott) and Goff Sothcott that the latter won 17- 15. The club played two friend- lies this week, the first of which was a mixed game against Thamesdown IBC from Swindon on Thursday.

The home team won on four of the six rinks with the top winning games of 234, 181, 180 and highest series of (595) backed by Ruth (444) and Ian Trueman (415). They still only managed to take six points from the Triards, to stop the rot Myra Hill took ladies high scratch game (199) and series (491) and John Dyers (190) game and series (470), gave them the other two points. Bembridge Flyers took all eight points from their oppo- nents Smith and Jones with Jan Johnson rolling a (462) scratch series and hubby Brian bowling games of 206, 174, 171 (551) series also helped by Lin Turner's (358). Another good scratch series came from Den Glass with games above average 171, 175, 169 to give him a (515) series, wife Doris played above aver- age and Dave Harris played to average held the Musketeers to a 4-4 draw. Only two games this week coming from J.

Wigzell (234) and B. Johnson (206). TWo ladies rolled high games this week, Val Morris (190) and Myra Hill (199). Catch news: Rod Whitewood and Steve Greenen shared a hectic ses- sion off the Needles on Rod's boat Rodsnipper. A total of nine species came onboard, including undulate rays of 151b.10oz.

for Steve, and 121b.8oz. for Rodney. Alan Deeming made it out to a channel wreck with Myan on Saturday, he and his crew sharing a haul of 33 poilack, six conger to 351b. and a ling. On shore, Simone Coombes showed boyfriend Ainsley Bennett the way to catch a ray, she beached an 81b.painted at Chale last Friday night.

Ainsley made up for this on Saturday with four rays includ- ing a 41b.81/2oz. spotted, and a 61b. painted. I had a taxing time identify- ing a mystery fish for Carisbrooke angler Reg Epschild the other day. After ploughing through a number of reference books it turned out to be a very rare gowk or cuckoo fish (paros folli) a dis- tant member of the cyclades family normally found around the Greek islands of the south Aegean sea.

ST MARY'S AC A good turnout with 20 members fishing the fixed venue at Fort Victoria resulted in 11 weighing in a total of 231b.5oz. Andy Wilkinson came first with four dogfish weighing 61b.6oz. He also took the sweep with a dog of 21b.7oz. and a new club record. Second was Albert Dillon with four dogfish and one rockling for a total of 51b.13oz.

and third was Chris Langdon with two dog- fish weighing 21b.13oz. League top five equal I Albert Dillon and Denny Dove 18 pts. 3 Paul James 17. 4 Mike Smith 15, joint 5 Danny Siegal. Gavin Arnell and Andy Wilkinson 12 rink being Dai Williams, Eileen Gardner, Ken Davis and Margaret Wallace.

Rink scores: Jean Sorbie 17, Thamesdown 22; Bob Sellence 14, Thamesdown 27; Maurice Cleaves 31, Thamesdown 14; Gerry Parker 22, Thamesdown 15; Flo Williams 30. Thamesdown 11; Margaret Wallace 33, Thamesdown 9 Total score. IWIBC 147, Thamesdown IBC 98 The men played host to a team from Egham IBC on Sunday winning on four rinks, drawing one and losing one and won the match by 26 shots. The top winning rink was Eric Edwards, Peter Robinson, Roy Laidlaw and John Picking who was playing against his old club. Rink scores: John Picking 32, Egham 15; Barry Simpson 18, Egham 18; Barry Rodwell 17, Egham 20; Ian Morrill 20, Egham 14; Maurice Cleaves 24, Egham 19; Roy Large 19, Egham 18.

Total score: 1W IBC 130, Egham IBC 104. uccessful night for Wheeler Island held to draw TENPIN BOWLING ROUND-UP Roy, Dennis, Mery and Peter hold on for triumph in the fours final First victory of year for Nic RT rider Nic Hutchings raced his first time trial of the sea- son last weekend, the Bournemouth Jubilee event. Even though Nic has not managed his normal amount of training due to exams he rode a time of 59 minutes 11 seconds to win by one second, achieving his first success of the year. Meanwhile Simon Ambrosini broke the hour again on Island roads in the Vectis Hillis 25m with 59.55. The 'day before saw the team in action at Thruxton motor racing circuit for the VC Venta Criterium races.

Simon Saunders had the best finish, with 15th place in the elite race. Nick Pike also gave a strong performance in-his fourth cat- egory race and should have no difficulty in soon moving up. VRCC The Saturday afternoon ten miles time trial on the Ningwood circuit attracted a good field and despite a trou- blesome Easterly wind some good times were recorded. Newcomer Steve Taylor secured fourth place with 27.14, obviously a name to watch, Mark Simpson was happy with his second in 25.59 but winner Martin Piper did a flier in 24.22. Veteran Ron Crick and cur- rent holder of the majority of the club's ladies records, Dawn Courage, have resumed their friendly rivalry after the lat- ter's two year lay off with only 15 seconds separating them, both narrowly beaten by veter- an Pete Young.

Juveniles brother and sister Jonathan and Abigail Moore competed, Jonathan being the faster of the two, a good incen- tive for Abigail to improve her times. The Sunday morning 25 miles time trial on the Hillis circuit had a smaller field, nine riders signing on with time- keeper Bill Dennis, including three riders, all ex- Vectis RCC members. Not being eligible for prizes these riders do not appear in the results list although the fastest time of the day was recorded by Simon Ambrosini with a fine sub-hour ride of 59.52. First placed Vectis rider, second to Simon, was Martin Piper with 1.4.15. Unfortunately the anticipated challenge from Sean Williams didn't materialise as Sean had to retire with mechanical prob- lems.

Second place Vectis rider was Mark Simpson, delighted to have improved by five min- utes on the same ride of last season, despite losing an arm rest from his tri-bars. Darren Dollery also improved his time by two minutes. A reminder that the closing date for the Festival time trial entries is April 10. WAYFARER CTC On Wednesday last week, a group of seven Autumn Tints riders lead by Brian Brodhurst, took the ferry to Caen in Normandy. They cycled about 70 miles intothe beautiful Pays D'Auge with a Wheelers hilly 42km coffee stop at the attractive old town of Beuvron and lunch at Cambremer.

The return ride took in the famous Pegasus bridge and which was the first build- ing liberated in June 1944. Sunday's ride from GodshiU was led by Stuart Palmer who took the group to Gatcombe with a stiff off road climb up to Chillerton mast, descending to the bottom of Chiverton Shute, then climbing to join the Worsley trail and finally descending to Brighstone for a very welcome cuppa. SATURDAY LEAGUE Long established Div. 1 Club require first team manager for next season AA enquiries bellied .0, oweldence and seknowledped. Reply lb Ike cnos, County Pram Newport P030 1ST Ryde Club's player of the month was Joan Caws with Jan Turner second and Dorthy Wilks third.

The section award went to Peter Ttembath with Elsie tucker runner-up and in third position Doreen Pelmear. Word of the month was played by Pam Fairless linking squired with jogs for 136 points. The IW Four by Four held their March trial at a new site near Shorwell on Sunday. The quarry site provided some excellent testing conditions for the competitors. Modified vehicles: Blackman 14 pts; RTV: M.

Parsons 32. The next trial is on April 25. Anyone who is interested is welcome to come along. Further details from Mike Penketh on 882381. The IWBSA AGM is to be held on Wednesday, April 14 at Shanklin Conservative Club.

Anyone attending should arrive by 7.30 pm. TEL. IW 523316 Valid from April 1, 1999 to May 1, 1999 a DISCOUNT WITH THIS ADVERT -t.

Isle of Wight County Press from Newport, Isle of Wight, England (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.