Clear and The Hopeless - Interactive Story Board (2024)

Clear is guided to a room of the Jupiterian embassy, which is quite small and has stone table at its centre, which appeared to have been carved out of one solid slab of rock. A small stool is provided and she's asked to sit down. Aside from a small cup sitting on the table, the room is incredibly spartan. The cup doesn't even have any water in it. As she sits she realises this feels a lot like being imprisoned and she has no idea why they'd treat her this way.

Ltexi had barged into the ambassadors rooms, forcing the few guards out of her way that were present. Clear and the others had been left outside the room while she went in and talked. Shortly afterwards, the group was guided away to these rooms. Clear supposes it's not every day a woman dead for a hundred years shows up on the doorstep.

Clear sits for a long minute twiddling her thumbs. Boredom and irritation quickly set in and she starts playing with the cup. She taps it firmly on the table and, suddenly, the cup bounces from her hand and off of the table. She leans over the table to inspect the probable demise of the cup only to find a man lying on the floor. She leaps back in fright.

"Wow. You squeal like a girl."

Clear: "Wh-where the Hell did you come from!?"

The man sits up and and peers at her over the edge of the table.

Stranger: "Why so afraid? You were happily groping me a moment ago."

Clear: "What?"

The stranger shakes his head and gets to his feet. He is pretty tall and broad shouldered and wears an open, loose fitting shirt to reveal the dominant muscular abdomen of his torso. His hair is curly and floppy, looking like its sitting on his head instead of growing from it. He wears a smug grin as he leans on the table.

Stranger: "Seems you don't know this admiral Ltexi as well as she says you do..."

Clear glances down at the floor, hoping to see some kind of trapdoor. She thinks he could have teleported into the room but surely she would have noticed the bright lights that such devices normally emit. The Jupiterian moves round the table and straddles his stool.

Stranger: "I'm Jteff, by the way. Pronounced Jeff but with a silent t."

Clear: "Right. I think most Jupiterian names do that."

Jteff: "We're nothing if not consistent with our naming conventions, eh?"

Clear: "How did you get in here? Actually--"

She looks again at the floor.

Clear: "Where did that cup go?"

He sighs.

Jteff: "I was the cup. I was watching you. Then you started fondling me. Couldn't let that go on for too long so I made my escape, landed on the floor and revealed myself."

Clear: "You were the..."

She thinks.

Clear: "Right. Of course. Now I get it. Damned Jupiterians. That was a pretty nasty spirited trick! You'd better not be doing the same to my friends, they'll probably not know you lot can even do that! Poor old Lumo might have a heart attack."

There's a short pause before Jteff taps a communicator attached to his shirt.

Jteff: "Cancel surprise object for the old grey."

Clear glowers at him.

Clear: "Why're you doing this to us?"

Jteff: "A woman shows up out of nowhere and claims to be a celebrated hero from our past. A little interrogation is more than warranted, wouldn't you say?"

"Just do some biological scans on her, you'll know for sure then. Her genetic markers will reveal her DNA doesn't correlate with modern markers. Hell, dig out her bone marrow and you'll get a more conclusive answer."

Jteff: "Bone marrow? That'd hurt like no tomorrow. Pretty harsh of you."

Clear: "She could use a bit of punishment and humiliation."

Jteff: "You're not friends then?"

Clear: "If friendship involves lamenting the day I met her, then sure."

Jteff: "Colour me surprised then."

Clear: "Look, sure she's a friend I suppose. Not a close one. Not one I like. But yes, we work together. I'm sure she told you I freed her from the time lock?"

Jteff: "She did."

Clear: "I saw her there ever since I was a little girl. A silent, frozen figure in a window. I didn't know who she was, where she came from or why she was like that. When I was able to open the lock, turned out there were aliens in there that could freeze time. Luckily we killed them and then Ltexi woke up. She turned out to be a right *****."

She collects herself.

Clear: "You can imagine I had dreamt up stories of the mystery woman behind the glass. She was basically a fairytale princess by the time I was an adult. I'd spent so much time alone on that ship, but Ltexi was always there. I'd confided in her frozen figure. Cried to her... then I met the real her and she was..."

Jteff: "A disappointment."

Clear: "Exactly."

Clear, in her heart, had wanted Ltexi to be a mother to her. That's who Ltexi was to Clear as a girl, the only adult she could talk to after her father's death. If Note had been her father figure, then Ltexi was her mother. Opening up to Jteff on certain personal details is enough to help Ltexi's story, but she isn't going to reveal her deepest secrets. Besides, Ltexi would take the piss out of her if she knew.

Jteff: "I get that. Never meet your heroes they always say, right?"

He leans on the table, hands clasped.

Jteff: "Your story is instrumental in proving the admiral's tale. You were the only one who was there when she was released and you saw her frozen for most of your life. A very useful statement."

Clear: "I expected a woman to come and interrogate me, to be honest. Kind of surprised to see a..."

She trails off as her eyes rove downwards.

Jteff: "Welcome to the modern era. We even have the right to vote now."

Clear: "Yeah, I heard about that. I think that's a new one for everyone in your country, not just the boys..."

He just gives a small, amused snort and moves the subject on.

Jteff: "We would like to study your ship, especially the room she was trapped inside. I don't suppose you kept the remains of the alien?"

Clear: "I threw them out of an airlock..."


Clear: "But I did keep a blood sample. Aren't I smart?"

Jteff: "Yes. Yes you are."

Clear: "Actually it was Kara Pashna that suggested it. But thanks for agreeing with me anyway."

She smirks and he indulges in a warm chuckle. Clear realises she's flirting with this guy and that sudden knowledge strikes her into a sudden, icy silence while Jteff taps his communicator.

Jteff: "Preliminary details established. Any confirmation on the biological tests?"

A voice returns confirmation that tests reveal ancient genetic patterns and that the subject displays advanced knowledge of that particular period. Apparently even down to the the minor details of underwear fashions of the time. The voice then declares that the interrogations are to be postponed as an urgent assembly has been called.

Jteff stands up and indicates the door;

Jteff: "If you'd come with me, seems we'll have to continue our chat later."

Clear: "Where are we going?"

Jteff: "We'd been expecting an assembly meeting any day now, just bad timing that they're called it right now. It's actually going to be the very first official meeting of the G8."

Clear: "G8?"

"The eight most influential factions in the Milky Way galaxy. One of that eight is, of course, Jupiter."

Clear exits the room and is guided down the corridors of the Jupiterian embassy. All of the building resembles a kind of ancient prison in Clear's eyes.

Clear: "I think I remember Uppity saying something about his being a lower tier..."

Jteff: "Who?"

"Oh, sorry. Ambassador Uppity Bags from Saturn. They're not in the G8."

Jteff: "Oh, I see. The Kryptons do have weird names, don't they?"

Clear: "Says the silent t..."

Jteff: "Ouch."

Clear: "So, am I allowed into this G8 meeting?"

Jteff: "Absolutely! Everyone is welcome to watch. They made the conference room like a massive stadium. Since this is the first ever assembly, I expect it will be packed so make sure you don't get lost in the crowd. Your group can come with us. We'll want to keep an eye on admiral Ltexi anyway."

Clear: "Sounds like we're still prisoners..."

Jteff: "Never! Your our... guests that aren't allowed to leave yet."

Clear: "I tell you this for free, if I want to leave at any moment I will. Otherwise you'll wish you stayed a teacup."

Jteff: "I'll make you a deal then, you cooperate with us and we'll owe you a big favour."


Jteff: "Wow, that was quick."

Clear: "I already know what I want."

Jteff: "And what's that?"

Clear: "I'll wait. We'll have to see what happens after Ltexi is confirmed and restored into your culture or whatever you plan to do. Make her an admiral again? Make her your queen since you don't have one."

Jteff laughs as they step out into the bright sunlight of the Cosmic Nullius.

Jteff: "Actually she was the second cousin of the queen in her time period. Technically that would mean she is a closer genetic match to the original royal family than the current heirs of today."

Clear: "Wow. She would make the worst queen ever."

Jteff laughs again.

Jteff: "Lucky, then, that we're happily enjoying our republic period, isn't it? There are some that would restore the monarchy but most of us think it's time to move on and embrace this new government."

Clear: "I agree with you. Absolute power corrupts absolute after all. I bet you've had a few crackpots on the throne in the past."

Jteff: "Ain't that the truth."

They stand and wait outside for a brief moment before they're joined by others. Her friends are guided out of the embassy by their interrogators and other Jupiterian dignitaries congregate so that they could all travel to the assembly hall together. Once the entire group has collected they begin to move. Clear feels weird being in such a massive group of people. She could only imagine what her ship would be like with these kinds of numbers.

Actually she might never even notice if they were all separated over the entire breadth of the ship. They might never even meet.

"I'm so excited, Clear! The meeting was called by Earth, did you know?"

"It was? Why doesn't nobody tell me anything?"

Ltexi: "Nobody wants to worry your pretty little head, boy."

Jteff: "A blast from the past. Already with the sexism, admiral?"

Ltexi: "It's not sexism, just the natural order of things. Boys aren't meant for this kind of thing. You just don't have the mental capacity."

Clear sees the anger bubbling beneath the mask that Jteff tries to wear. Clear had heard Ltexi being rude before but never this bad. She assumes that her deep rooted sensibilities are stronger for her own people than others'.

Jteff: "And does anybody know the agenda that Earth has put forth?"

One of the aides reveals that it's something to do with Jupiter itself, which only serves to sour the mood further amongst the Jupiterians. Clear, for a moment, feels a sense of solidarity with this human-haters but she sees little Green looking at her with her big, watery eyes and can't harbour the venom she once did.

A while later and the gaggle of people take a teleporter to the assembly hall. The building is massive, towering up into the air. Most prominently Clear notices crystalline facets to the structure that reminds Clear of the crystal used by the High Empire. When she asks Jteff about it, he reveals that the High Empire especially aided in the construction of the Cosmic Nullius as only the High Empire and The Imperium really had the manpower to build such an immense megaconstruct.

They have appeared about midway up the building on a platform that looks way down to the ground floor. The people down there look like big insects scurrying about the gardens that surround the tower. People keep appearing from various teleporter pads on their suspended platform and Clear's group is hurriedly ushered inside the assembly hall. Clear spends the next five minutes being swept by the crowd, following them inside and up a narrow staircase until she emerges in the stalls of the stadium-like hall. She can look down and the billions of seats that sweep around the whole tower and she feels a great sense of vertigo. She instinctively shuffles away from the drop and bumps into the seating. Ltexi comes up behind her and prods her to move on. Clear glances back at her and then notices, over Ltexi's shoulder, that Jteff is going a different way than everyone else.

Clear: "Where's he going?"

"Who? The ambassador? Probably down to be in the meeting. Where else would he be?"

A personal interrogation from the ambassador himself? Clear thinks that's odd but she supposes the situation is an unusual one and Clear has the strongest testimony to the truth of it. Ambassador Jteff. There's something wrong with that name and title together.

Clear shambles along the thin walkway between the seats to her right and the backs of the seats to her left. She hates being around so many people and feels a strong urge to back up and run away. Ltexi prods her in the back again.

Ltexi: "Seriously, is your arse so big it slows you down?"

Clear: "It doesn't slow me down as much as much as your fat head slows you down."

Ltexi: "Damn, I don't have a good come back for that one."

Clear finds a gap in the seats with stairs going up and down. She glances back at Ltexi for best directions but she just shrugs.

Ltexi: "I doubt it matters where we sit."

She chooses to go down several rows until she finds a long line of empty seats her entire group can fill. She goes all the way to the end and pushes the seat down to sit herself onto it. She sighs with relief, being off of her feet, and looks out at the sea of people. She can't believe that there's so many of them. Ltexi sits beside her and beside Ltexi is Kara Pashna. He seems to be enthralled by all of this. Since toothbrushes were a marvel to him, all of this just adds to his expansive list of wonders to gaze at.

"Are you okay, Pashna?"

Kara Pashna: "Very. Thank you Clear. I just wish my people could be here. Wish that they could be a part of... this."

Clear: "Me too..."

Ltexi: "Great. I get stuck between the orphans. Are you two going to do much of this 'my people are dead' melodrama?"

Kara Pashna: "You are quite heartless, Admiral Ltexi..."

Ltexi: "Hey. Technically my people are dead too. These imbeciles are not the same people I once knew. But you don't see me whining about it..."

Clear: "They will be your people once you have your identity confirmed."

Ltexi: "Suppose that's true."

There's a loud gong sound, indicating that the conference will soon begin. The people start to quieten down and those still standing move to seats. There are, however, still people filing into the hall and Clear expects that there will be a lot of people who will miss the start.

The lights in the hall dim and a thin beam of light shines down from the ceiling high above her to the very bottom of the massive tower where the conference would be held. She squints. She can barely make out the figures of the people down there but they seem to be divided into eight groups.

Then images appear in the air, spread out from the thin beam of light. The images are reflections of those down below and the beam of light projects in such a way that it plays a visual trick on the eyes - no matter where she is in the room, the same image will appear. She could be ten rows down and still see the exact same image before her. She could be on the other side of the hall and see the same image again.

She spies Ambassador Jteff at the Jupiterian panel, a tall stone podium with the crest of the Jovian royal family emblazoned upon it. Above his podium words appear, typed clearly for everyone to identify which podium is which. It types out in English, the most common language in the galaxy, and then in a few other languages. Clear can't read any of them expect one, which uses the same characters as English, and appears to read 'table bashers'. She can't help but wonder what language that is from.

Closest to the Jupiterian podium is that of the High Empire, their podium made from their unique crystalline material, and has a flag of red and black hanging at its front. The woman there is a species that Clear doesn't recognise but appears to be like an anthropomorphic cat creature. Caledonia has, of course, a drow woman for its ambassador. Earth has a polished wood podium with a stylised image of the Earth on it. In the small group of humans, Clear spots Ambassador Upitty Bags. Looks like he gets a front row seat to the G8 this time. She is also entertained to see that the alien name she can read for Earth seems to read 'sods'.

Then there is also the Alliance and the Galactic Empire of the Milky Way, both with human ambassadors. The Imperium has an ambassador that Clear could hardly describe. The being is humanoid but barely. Its head is entirely black and has a face that looks like a white, unmoving mask. Upon its body is a brightly patterned robe that trails long the floor as the creature steps up to The Imperium podium. Its long, thin, black arms end with long white fingers attached to a black palm. It has a habit of co*cking its head to one side as it stands there quietly. Clear grows uncomfortable looking at it, not just because the creature is creepy but because she has a deep dislike of The Imperium in general. Finally there is also the Slavemasters of Orion podium. Clear is angry that they are allowed to the diplomatic table at all, let alone the G8, for their open practice of slavery. Their podium is marble and their symbol is that of the Orion star system from a top-down view.

Another gong marks the start of the session. Sound emerges from all around Clear - from outwards and from speakers in the seat's arms. Initially it's a little overwhelming but she adjusts. She also notices that writing is appearing, delivering the spoken words in written form in some alien language. Clear suspects that those particular aliens may not be able to hear, unlike most sentient beings of the galaxy. Clear glances down at the row in front of her where she sees a whole line of other humanoids. The man right in front of her is one of the equestrian-headed beings who claim the planets Neptune and Uranus in the solar system. Next to him is a nondescript human but next to her is a robot, his metal body glinting gently in the glare from the shaft of light. It seems every walk of life is here today.

The human ambassador for Earth steps up to his podium. He is an elderly man, much older it seems than the other ambassadors, and has gery hair with just some flecks of colour left in it. Despite his age, he has retained some youth to his looks that makes him appear distinguished. He uses a cane to help him up the couple of steps to get up to his platform and rests it against the podium. Before he speaks he looks up at the crowds. To Clear it appears as though he's looking up at the people above her, but she knows he's way down below looking up at her.

He adjusts his tie, looking a little nervous, before he speaks;

Ambassador Simon: "I have called this emergency conference to discuss a grave matter that threatens the lives of billions of people."

His name appears, typed, above his head. Clear winces at the spelling, wondering how she'd ever be able to pronounce that. Most of the men of Earth she has met are called Dave or Martin or Bob. She figures he must be from one of the more obscure Earth nations. Like that place called Europe. Or the one called Africa. She's pretty sure they're small, weird places with big, weird names.

Ambassador Simon: "Some of you may recognise me, but for those that do not I am Ohqeanos Simon and my wife is of Jupiter--"

Ltexi: "No way! A human and a Jupiterian!? That's... disgusting."

Clear: "I'm pretty sure you had sex with at least one hu--"

Ltexi: "Sex is sex. Marriage is something very different."

Ambassador Simon:
"So when Jupiter was accidentally destroyed--"

Ltexi, and many others, especially Jupiterians, boo loudly when he says 'accidentally destroyed'. Clear wonders if this kind of behaviour is acceptable but decides to join in. Human-hating en masse makes Clear feel very satisfied with her years and years of doing it alone. The ambassador waits for a long moment, waiting for the booing to calm down. When it finally seems to have dwindled he continues;

Ambassador Simon: "I, as evidently many of you are also, was devastated. Jupiter was, in many ways, my second home. It is the world where I truly came into my own and learnt who I was and what my future would be. I helped stop the doomsday weapon then that threatened the planet--"

Ltexi: "So the humans have tried to blow it up more than once!?"

Ambassador Simon: "for it to then be destroyed anyway. My efforts in vain, my home destroyed and my wife's family, my family, killed. My children never able to trace their Jupiterian heritage."

Ltexi: "There's half-Jupiterians these days? That's just so many levels of wrong. Does his wife just have a massive kink for aliens or something? I wonder how many human husbands she has..."

Clear: "Seriously? I bet you're imagining it now, aren't you?"

Ltexi: "Nothing wrong with imagining having six human husbands all in bed at once -- so long as it stays a fantasy."

Clear tries to not let that image pop into her own head and stares dilligently at the ambassador.

Ambassador Simon:
"So I ask that you please believe me when I tell you that I have a deep respect and love for Jupiter and the loss of the world is not only a tragedy of epic proportions but a personal tragegy for me and my family."

Ltexi: "He's really laying it on thick isn't he?"

Kara Pashna: "Quite the orator."

Ambassador Simon: "However, where once stood a world of history, a world of culture, a world of honour -- now stands a threat. This new star called Zenos has already had a dramatic affect upon our star system and, small as it is now, is likely to grow in volume as the star builds itself up. Eventually the heat within our star system will be so hot, no life could possibly exist there. Earth will die."

Clear: "Taste of your own medicine much?"

Ltexi: "Exactly right. Let them burn."

Ambassador Simon: "But it is not just the Earth that is threatened. Every planet in the solar system will be turned into a ball of heat. Venus, home to the rockmen, Neptune and Uranus are home to the fayrie. The inhabitants of Pluto and Charon. Mars, home to humans--"

Clear grimaces. She'd happily watch them burn most. However she doesn't want Mars to become as hot as Mercury and everything that was once her people's home to be melted down to nothing.

Ambassador Simon: "And, of course, the Kryptons of Saturn. To emphasise this point, I ask my colleague Ambassador Uppity Bags to beseech you now."

The ambassador turns and slowly makes his way off of the podium's platform, using his cane to keep him steady. The audience is alive with murmuring as everyone debates the subject.

Uppity Bags ascends and leands towards the podium, evidently searching for a microphone that isn't there. Eventually he decides to just speak and hope for the best.

Ambassador Bags: "People--"

He's surprised by the sudden volume of his own voice.

Ambassador Bags: "Sorry. People of the galaxy. I know my people, the Kryptons of Saturn, are not the most influential of people in the galaxy. We are not the most important of people. We are not likely to be missed should be we destroyed by Zenos' heat. But I do emplore you, surely we deserve the opportunity to live. We deserve the right to existence. Fault for the destruction of Jupiter is not the issue here. It is the survival of all the species of the solar system. You may blame humanity for the unexpected actions of a few of their kind, but what fault have the Kryptons? Are we to be destroyed in the fires of Jupiterian vengeance?"

Some shouting ensues from certain quarters but not as vehemently as earlier. Even Ltexi is eerieely quiet.

Ambassador Bags: "We require that Zenos be extinguished, so that others might live. Various proposals have been drawn up and the best solution has been conceived. The sun should be drained of its energy and rendered inert as a gas giant. That is the proposal for today's conference. Thank you for your patience and I hope that the other ambassadors will come to the right decision today. We now call recess. Our plans will be sent to each of the ambassadors for consideration and we will reconvene in two hours when discussion can be meted out."

The lights in the room illuminate to normal levels and people stand up and start to depart. Clear sees that Ltexi stands up and follows suit. Soon enough her whole row is leaving the assembly hall and they gather up outside. Ltexi seems especially agitated and Clear understands why. The whole speech had been very careful, using a man who has personal ties to Jupiter was smart of the humans of Earth. And then using non-humans to beseech the other ambassadors worked too. The problem for Clear is that they were right and it annoys her that the evil of humanity will not only go unpunished but will must be cleaned up by everyone else too.

As they stand about discussing the situation, the assembly tower and the general mood of the people a messenger appears and delivers a summons to Clear personally.

Pully: "Who loves you today, huh?"

Green: "Oh, I bet it's the handsome Mr Lander!"

Ltexi: "Oh, that's right. I forgot you have yourself a little human boy toy."

Clear feels her cheeks flush blue.

Clear: "He's not-- he's just some man. I mean-- I wouldn't say no but-- I mean-- Just shut up the lot of you."

There's a lot of chuckling from everyone.

Ltexi: "Well, one thing I will credit human men for -- they don't require a lot of encouragement, am I right?"

She winks at Clear and Clear just sulks as she checks the summons message, taking the paper from the envelope. It's handwritten in a very charming and elegant cursive style requesting her attendance in the Earth chamber of the hall.

Pully: "Weird. What do they want you for?"

do'Ziikin: "Maybe old Uppity wants to say hi again?"

Ltexi: "Wanting to drag us all the way down there just for him to say hi after leaving him a few hours ago? Bloody Kryptons."

Green: "Well, I want to see the Earth chambers! And their embassy! It's been so long since I last saw my home... I .... Ms Clear, can we please go?"

She looks up at Clear, her hands clasped at her chest.

Clear: "Green. You do that innocent begging look on purpose, don't you?"

Green: "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!?"

Rui-Rho: "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!?"

The robot girl stands in the exact same posture besides Green.

Kara Pashna: "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?"

He likewise mimics the two girls.

Clear: "Pashna. You don't have the cute factor to pull it off."

Kara Pashna: "Well, I thought it was worth a try."

Pully: "Maybe if you did a more, 'please, I'm a naughty boy and I need spanking' look, she'd go for it."

Clear: "Hey!"

Kara Pashna: "I honestly have no idea what you mean by that, Ms Pullista."

Pully: "Lucky I think your tentacles are sexy or I'd smack you for calling me Ms Pullista. It's Pully. And my surname is double-barrelled anyway. You'd have to say Ms Terrin-Pullista all the time."

Kara Pashna: "Pully it is then."

Green is already tugging on Clear's hand in the direction she thinks the Earth chambers must be and Clear, somewhat reluctantly, lets herself be dragged along.

Ltexi: "Not sure I really want to go. Still, being in the heart of the enemy camp could be interesting."

Lumo: "Indeed, I concur..."

do'Ziikin: "I feel like I'm in one of those spy movies! Tinker Sailor Soldier Martian!"

The group marches on and they enter a large turbolift, which is spacious enough not only for their group but also a few other people as well. As she stands there Clear feels eyes on her. She glances back to see an Orion gazing straight at her, making no attempt to mask his intent stare. Clear stares back.

Clear: "What the Hell're you looking at?"

Orion Man:
"A very beautiful rare commodity."

He smiles.

Clear: "Commod-- Orion, you are about to get the beatdown of your--"

Pully: "Leave it, Sir. Don't sweat it. These Orion bastards will say that to everyone. Scum of the galaxy."

Orion Man: "Come now. Our trade keeps the galaxy turning. There's no richer faction to be found. If our trade were so awful, why do we have so many customers?"

Pully: "I guess the whole galaxy is full of scum then."

Orion Man: "Well then, I am scum. But you, red skin, are still worth a pretty penny. If you like being free, you should watch your back."

The lift doors open and he walks towards them. He stops in the doorway, hand holding them open.

Orion Man: "Not that it would help you though. If someone is willing to pay the right sum for such a rare prize, you'll be taken one way or another..."

He grins as the doors close on him.

"Why does everyone want a piece of your arse, Sir?"

Ltexi: "Because there's enough of it to go round?"

Clear: "I'm not afraid of them. I'll beatdown anyone that tries to take me. And stop calling me Sir."

Pully: "Sorry Sir."

Clear rolls her eyes and steps off the lift as the doors open again. The group files out and they follow directions towards the Earth chambers. Standing outside the big, square, double-doors are two human guards. When they see Clear at the head of the group, one of them opens the doors while the other announces that they've been expecting her. The group is allowed in.

The room is quite long with very Earth-like furniture. There are three long sofas that are coloured navy blue in a very ultra modern style. There's a white coffee table in the middle of the sofas and to one side Clear spies a water cooler. On the walls are paintings of important humans; Elizabeth I, Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Mao Zedong, Stephen Hawking, Plato, Nelson Mandela, Louis Pasteur, Arkng Thand. The last one she sees is the only painting that sparks some kind of recognition but she can't think who he is. Perhaps he was a famous scientist or something. She is distracted from the paintings by the constant clicking of a metronome at the centre of the coffee table and she stares aggressively at it. Why people liked these things is baffling to her. The constant tick-tick-tick annoys the buggery out of her.

Ambassador Simon: "Thank you so much for coming. I'm Ohqeanos Simon."

He glances at everyone as he enters from another room but goes straight to Clear.

Ambassador Simon: "Captain Clear, I believe it is? Ambassador Bags told me all about his time spent with you aboard your vessel."

He acknowledges Uppity Bags as he enters from the other room. The Krypton gives Clear a smile and waves his tiny hand at the others.

Clear: "Why did you want me here?"

Ambassador Simon: "Right, yes. Would anyone like a glass of water?"

Ltexi: "I'll take something alcoholic if you've got it."

The ambassador holds out his hand towards a closet door at the back of the room. Uppity Bags opens it to reveal a large stock of liquors. Ltexi slaps her hands together and Pully hurries over to get a good look at the selection.

Clear: "Get me something strong, Pully!"

Pully: "Aye aye, Captain!"

Ohqeanos holds up his hand.

Ambassador Simon: "Please hold on a moment. Drink and work rarely mix."

Clear: "I didn't realise I was working."

Ambassador Simon: "Well, that's why you're here. We had been considering appointing an ambassador for Mars. It's got its own government, laws and regulations and should have its own representation amongst our embassy. As the only Martian in existence, it would be a crime if anyone but you were to occupy that role..."

There's complete silence as shock hits everyone in the room save for newcomer Dhae, who chuckles as he raids the liquor store.

Clear: "... me?"

There's a definite tension and mild surprise sweeps across Ohqeanos' face as he doesn't seem to see why nobody is celebrating this sudden job opportunity. Clear feels mostly disgust.

But as she savours the thought, he is right. It would be a crime against her people if anyone else took the job. However she not only doesn't want the job, she abhors the very idea of working with the humans that made her the only qualified person to begin with.

Clear: "Pully..."

Pully shoves Dhae out of the way, who complains as he almost spills a very large jug of whatever insane co*cktail he was making in it. She snatches the obvious bottle of Correllian Whiskey and pops the cork. She pours a very full glass and hands it over to Clear. The salmitton sees the disapproving frown Ohqeanos' face but he doesn't comment. She watches him as she swigs her drink. The bitter splash against the back of her throat gives her an instant pleasurable wash of succour. She then takes a deep breath and savours the strong taste on her tongue.

Clear: "You can shove your job up your arse, mate."

Ltexi: "Well said, Clear."

Ltexi takes the Correllian Whiskey bottle from Pully and chugs a swig straight from the bottle. She coughs and winces from the strength of it and looks at Clear with newfound admiration for her drinking tolerance.

Ambassador Simon:
"I... see. I'm sorry, I thought you would see this as an opportunity to try to... fix the mistakes of the past."

Clear glares at his over her glass.

Clear: "You can get away with saying it was a mistake when Jupiter was destroyed, but there was no mistake when your people invaded my planet."

Ambassador Simon: "I'm sorry. Yes. You are right. I didn't mean it that way. I meant to say you can repair the damage done. You would have the voice of the planet. People will listen to you, the last Martian, and you could direct the path of your homeworld."

Clear: "Still no."

Ambassador Simon: "Oh... well, I am surprised. I honestly hadn't expected that."

Clear: "Sucks to be you. Is that all you wanted me for?"

Ambassador Simon:
"Well, I--"

Ambassador Bags: "Captain, we really want you to take the stand with us and try to convince the council that we must rendered Zenos inert fort he sake of our solar system."

Ltexi: "You have got to be kidding me."

Clear: "So you offer the job and then tell me the cost of hiring, eh? That was the plan?"

Ambassador Simon: "No! Not at all! The job is yours regardless of whether you would choose to speak! Of course, it'd be hard to represent a world that doesn't exist should this star continue its existence."

Ltexi: "That star is all that is left of my home! You killed it once and now you want to do it all over again!"

Clear: "Besides, my world was destroyed a long time ago. That world was one of Martians. Your Mars is a world of humans."

Ambassador Bags: "But Captain, your voice as the last Martian could persuade them. You'd save what's left of your world and help save mine. We need you, Captain."

Clear sits heavily on the sofa with her glass in hand. She knows Uppity is right and she does want to help but, but the idea of helping the humans cover their crimes is abhorrent to her. Ohqeanos sits down on the sofa beside her, leaning on his cane as he drops down. He taps a finger against it as he considers what to say next.

Ambassador Simon: "I know you are angry. It seems that there's no justice to be found for the villainy done against you. I feel it too. I have spent my whole life in and out of hospital, weak and afraid. I lost the affections of my wife--"

Ltexi: "No surprise there."

Ambassador Simon: "I rarely saw my children because I couldn't visit them and they didn't want to visit me in the hospital. I don't even know if any of them love me and I know they certainly don't respect me. Perhaps they merely pity me. And then, suddenly, I was freed from all sickness. Just like that. But now I'm old and my entire life has been wasted. I am angry at the universe. But I won't wallow in it. I can still do something with the rest of the time I have. I can be a better man. You can too."

Clear: "Being sick isn't the same as having your entire people slaughtered."

Ambassador Simon:
"No, I know. I mean to say what you do with your life is important. You can waste it in hatred or you can do better and change the future so that your people can be honoured and respected properly."

Clear looks from him to her friends but she's unable to read them properly. Green looks afraid, Ltexi looks pissed but otherwise everyone just looks concerned for Clear. Except Dhae who is grinning like a loon as his drinks his fish bowl co*cktail through a ridiculous looking straw.

"I want a memorial for my people."

Ambassador Simon:

Clear: "One on Mars and one on Earth. I want humans to see what they did and regret."

Ambassador Simon: "I'll see to it that's done. I know it will be approved."

Clear sips her drink.

Clear: "And I want-- no. Nothing. I'll talk to the G8. But I'm not taking this stupid job."

Ohqeanos looks a little disappointed but also relieved. At least he got half of what he wanted from her and it's the most pressing of the two matters.

Ltexi: "I can't believe you're going to go along with them. After what they did. To both of us!"

Clear: "What am I supposed to do? I can't let everyone die out of spite."

Ltexi: "Why the Hell not? I think spite is a grand reason to let them die. It's much better than an 'oops it was an accident', their reason for blowing up my planet. Murdering my family, my descendants."

"Don't you think the Kryptons deserve the chance to have descendants too, Ltexi?"

Ltexi: "Who gives a damn about the Kryptons!? A backward people that nobody gives a toss about! I was the one that uplifted them to begin with! I was there when the Kryptons were busy hacking each other for fun. And even then, these stupid bloody humans were at it too. Killing, conquering, destroying everything like a bunch of barbarians. It's one thing to claim lands, to defend yourself against others, but it's another to treat war and destruction like a game. And that's what both humans and Kryptons do. Give them their descendants, what for? How many planets do they need to blow up before the galaxy wakes up and sees them for what they are? How many genocides do they need to commit before someone gives them the punishment they richly deserve?"

She tosses the whiskey bottle to Pully, who fumbles with it but manages not to drop it.

Ltexi: "Damn the humans. Damn the Kryptons. And damn you, Clear."

Ltexi storms out and the room falls into dead silence. Even Dhae now realises how intense this situation actually is and he looks meekly around at everyone. Green looks like she might cry. Rui-Rho looks confused. Lumo torn. Pully anxious. Pashna solemn. Uppity Bags hurt and shocked, like he was just slapped in the face. Then punched in the gut and and told his family was dead. To be so utterly disrespected by a woman he clearly admired, respected and possibly revered for what she had done for his people must be one of the worst personal insults he could take. Don't meet your heroes Ambassador Jteff had said.

Clear: "We should go to the assembly hall now before I change my mind and go after Ltexi."

Clear says in such a dark tone that nobody is about to argue with her. She stands up, putting her glass on the table as she does so, and turns to Uppity Bags for him to lead the way. As everyone else also begins to follow the Krypton for the door, Ohqeanos halts them.

Ambassador Simon: "I'm sorry, the rules of the assembly won't allow everyone to accompany Clear to the conference."

When he sees the anger on Clear's face he quickly adds;

Ambassador Simon: "I should be able to get approval for one person to accompany you for support."

Clear: "Pully. Come with me, okay?"

Green: "But I want--!"

Pully: "Can it, pipsqueak. You'll only cause trouble."

Green sulks but accepts the terms. An aide offers to guide everyone to the audience seats while Clear and Pully go with the two ambassadors. They don't speak as they go, well aware that Clear sits on the edge of a knife. Pully puts a comforting hand on Clear's shoulder blades as they walk through the doors leading to the centre stage of the assembly hall. She is led around the central circle to the area reserved for the Earth ambassador and his aides. There's a few humans here, ready to help Ambassador Simon should he need it. They stand in a group and welcome Clear and Pully when they join them.

Clear looks across the hall to the other podiums. She sees that The Imperium ambassador is already back, possibly he never left, and just stands behind his podium like a silent statue. Clear is offered some water, which she accepts this time, washing down the whiskey.

The ambassador to the Galactic Empire enters next, accompanied by her own human aides. She is quite short but it's obvious that her tall boots put an extra inch or two to her height. She is wearing a smart, grey military uniform and Clear wonders if she had been a military officer before accepting the position as ambassador.

After a while of waiting, Clear beginning now to calm down and steady herself for the speech she been asked to give, the other ambassadors enter around the same time. Above Clear knows at there are billions of people going to be watching her. Fortunately the glare of the light shaft blinds her to anything beyond the first row of seats several metres above her. The thin beam is not so blinding higher up, but here at the base it spreads outwards - obviously encompassing the whole circle so it can project their image all the way up the tower.

Finally Ambassador Simon steps up to the podium, taking each step with his cane, after the second gong has sounded.

Ambassador Simon: "We shall now reconvene. As we made the proposal, the other ambassadors are entitled to speak their minds on the matter first."

There is no surprise when it is the Jupiterian ambassador that steps up first. Ambassador Jteff takes to his stone podium and stares over at Clear with the humans as though she has personally betrayed his trust - even though they only met a few hours ago. She supposes she did fondle him as a teacup, perhaps there's some bonding in that.

Ambassador Jteff: "We of course must raise an objection to this proposal."

There's a series of cheers but also jeers. The audience definitely seems divided.

Ambassador Jteff: "Zenos is not only a star but it is the graveyard of my people. Not only my people but the very heart of our culture, our society. The Jupiterians have stood in this galaxy for longer than most species and our arms stretched wide from Jupiter. The day Earth destroyed Jupiter was the day they took our heart, the killed our beloved queen, they took everything that made us who we are. Our world was filled with portals, that is our mode of transport and most of you will know. When Jupiter blew up, the blast went through those portals. The damage was far reaching. Hardly a world within our hegemony survived the attack. Billions and billions of us died and Zenos stands as our monument. But it is also the ultimate punishment for those that showed the galaxy what they are! Their world, their people, will be killed by their own design. It is the ultimate retribution. It is karma. It is justice. The people of Earth shall reap what they have sown. And the galaxy will be all the safer for it. Tell me, who shall be next should Earth survive this star? What world will they ravage first? Another one of ours? Perhaps they'll go for the Orions or the drow? Maybe they'll attack one of their own species, the Alliance or the Galactic Empire? Perhaps they will even have the audacity to attack the mighty Imperium or the High Empire? I believe their hubris to be more than enough for that task. How many of us must die before we realise the threat that Earth demonstrates? Even these other human factions are not exempt from the evil of their species; Mirare being the prime example. First their world and now, in recent news, humans have destroyed what was left. And this is exactly the same. They wish to destroy what is left of our legacy. Earth is a blight on the galaxy. At least it might serve as a lesson to the other human factions that their wanton destruction will be paid in kind...

There are a lot of cheers from above. She can't hear any jeering.

As none of the other factions have dissimilar arguments to those already presented by both sides, Ambassador Simon calls Clear to the podium, introducing her as Ambassador Clear of Mars. Clear snarls at Ohqeanos on her way past. He knows he has overstepped but she understands that he had to introduce her in as official light as possible. Yet she will not forgive him for that and later she will be having words with the old coot. She takes a moment to collect herself. She knows what she has to say but opening up at this moment is going to be the hardest thing she has ever done. She glances back at Pully. The human woman mouths 'you can do it'.

Clear: "People of the galaxy. I am... Ambassador Clear of Mars. I am... the last of my kind. A Martian. A salmitton. Perhaps not many will know of my people or my world, but surely you have heard the tales of humanity's greed and acts of genocide. I can attest the accounts are not exaggerations, they are entirely true. The people of Earth attacked my world, slaughtered my people and those that surrendered were rounded up and left to die from Earth-bound diseases. I was fortunate enough to have an... an enterprising father who stole a human shuttlecraft and left orbit to dock on a forgotten, derelict spacecraft. It's there that my father died. It's there that I grew up as the very last of my kind. And it is the fault of humanity..."

She knows this speech isn't propelling Earth's cause just yet, but perspective is essential in this. And she isn't going to lie.

"I've spent my entire life hating them. I watched them raping my planet. They took everything, picked the bones clean. I will never forgive them. I will never forget their crimes. They have wronged me just as much, if not more so, than any Jupiterian. You may have lost a world--"

She shouts now, drowning out the protestations of her claim;

Clear: "--But you still live! Your people are still here! A great power of the galaxy. You have the luxury of survival! The luxury of... children. My people will be lost once I am dead. My death will be... the death of my entire species."

She doesn't mean to let the pain into her words but as she says them she can't help but cough back the sorrow that wells up. Children. She never even realised until now just how much she wishes that could be possible.

Clear: "And yet here I stand! I stand with Earth in defiance of the great and might Jupiterians. Tell me, amabassador Jteff, is there no crime amogst your people? I know the stories of Queen Ptetra. How she had her mother murdered, sacrificed her own people for magical powers. Tell me, when she was finally killed, how did you punish the children she had with her first husband? Or did you make the first daughter queen? If you want to punish the humans of today, then you must punish the descendants of all your own criminals. Can you, ambassador, safely say that no criminals lurk within your family tree? Are you to be judged by their actions? Are you capable, never mind responsible, of the same acts yourself?"

Clear allows that to sink in.

Clear: "We all long for revenge. I understand the feeling. I experience it every day. Every new human I meet I want to hate. But hate will earn us nothing. Hate will not repair the damage done. Hate will not give us a better future. Earth should pay for its crimes by remembering them and never repeating them. Their punishment is to become better than they have been..."

She pauses.

Clear: "Zenos may well be a monument dedicated to the horrors that humanity is capable of but if it is not extinguished then there will be a new monument. The entire solar system. Every planet will be a monument. A monument to the vindictiveness of Jupiterians. A monument of hatred. I will not let this happen to Mars. I want Mars and Zenos to be immortalised as symbols of temperance and peace."

She looks up into the audience and wonder where her friends are. She tries to imagine the face of Pashna as she draws upon his name now;

Clear: "There is another person I know to be the last of his kind. And I envy him so, so much. Kara Pashna's world was destroyed. Destroyed by them--"

She points accusingly at The Imperium.

Clear: "They are just as guilty. The High Empire, how many worlds have you conquered, how many people killed and deprived their freedoms? The Alliance, the Galactic Empire. All the same."

She waits, dramatic effect.

Clear: "But you know, Kara Pashna has not said a single word against The Imperium. He has not spent even an hour complaining, hating or loathing their existence. Instead he spends that time planning the return of his people. Devising ways that he can bring them back from the dead on a new world. He sees hope, while all we have seen is darkness. He is the example we need to follow. His is the way to be be better than we are."

Clear nods slowly, wishing she could live up to her own words.

Clear: "Ambassadors of the G8, I hope you'll vote for a brighter future. I hope you vote for a world of tomorrow and not allow anger and outrage to turn that world to ash..."

As she steps down she can hear cheering from the audience, exclamations of 'hear hear', shouts of justification and admiration for her words. She feels so overwhelmed that she wants to hide and cry her heart out.

Instead she falls into the embrace of Pully, her oh-so-human friend.

Clear: "I'm going to stain your clothes blue with my tears, you know?"

Pully: "You might have just saved billions of lives, Sir. Buying a new shirt is a fine price."

Clear laughs through her tears.

Clear: "Stop calling me Sir."

Pully: "Honestly, Clear, today more than ever before, you've truly earned the title."

Ambassador Simon: "Does anyone at the council require a recess to consider their vote?"

A five minute recess is requested and the ambassadors retire to their groups, still in the hall, and chatter amongst themselves. Clear receives warm praise from the humans and Uppity Bags. Bags, in particular, looks like he might cry too.

The five minutes fly by and the G8 is asked to cast their votes. Earth, as the introducer of the topic, rises first. Of course they vote in favour of rendering Jupiter into an inert gas giant. The next around is the Alliance. The ambassador, a human male with very short red hair steps up. He takes a moment and then announces his approval for the plan. One score. Next is the Galactic Empire. The woman, whose hair is long, curled and blonde, also takes her time but then confirms that she too agrees. Neither is especially unsurprising, Clear thinks, given that they're both human. Punishing Earth for this crime would be like punishing themselves.

The Imperium ambassador is already standing at his podium. Clear sees that his name is typed over his head as Ambassador Jacquelle. When he speaks his mouth doesn't move, revealing that he is, indeed, wearing a mask over his true face.

Ambassador Jacques:
"The case made for undertaking this grand venture have been laid out. A case for refusing has also been laid out. Neither argument has satisfied The Imperium. We do not care to punish any power for its actions nor do we care to save them. So we shall say nay."

Clear realises that pointing the finger at him and laying blame for the destruction of Indra may have just cost The Imperium vote.

Next are the Slavemasters of Orion. Clear almost expects they might say nay just for the fun of it. Their ambassador steps up. She is in the later years of middle-age, showing prominent signs of aging even down to some flecks of grey in her otherwise, long, dark and tightly curled hair. She wears a pair of thick-rimmed glasses and a very tight shirt that seems to grasp at her large breasts. Around her neck is a choker, which Clear thinks is a facetious jibe at her own practice. Like slave collars are now fashionable. Her name appears as Lady Galesh, which surprises Clear as she isn't referred to as Ambassador. She guesses different cultures have their own titles for such roles.

Lady Galesh: "Orion shall always promote the procreation of life within the galaxy. The more the merrier, as we might say. Allowing the deaths of entire species is very much against everything we stand for. It would certainly be bad for business..."

There's a clamouring of anger from the audience and Clear feels it too. She isn't even sure she wants their vote now.

Then Jupiter. Ambassador Jteff looks directly at Clear as he ascends to his podium. He looks at her for a long moment, as though he is still making a last minute decision.

Ambassador Jteff: "The Jupiterian Republic... stands by our previous statement. The peoples of the Sol System are a dangerous menace to the galaxy and we shall not lift a finger to help them."

Clear had almost expected a last minute change of heart and yet there it is. Ohqeanos looks especially pained, evidently wishing he had better relations with the people his wife represents. As the Jupiterian ambassador steps off his podium he almost looks apologetically at Clear and she thinks that perhaps he was torn after all but, unlike Clear, he has not yet let go of his absolute hate.

The cat-like woman of the High Empire steps up to her crystalline podium. Clear isn't sure what to expect of the High Empire. She knows she has fairly biased opinions of the faction since she had become good friends with Kimleigh, a princess of the empire, yet she doesn't like the state of rule nor their warmongering and goal of attaining power throughout the universe. The ambassador's name appears over her head. Ambassador Guin.Ambassador Guin: "The High Empire not only approves of the proposal, we are more than willing to lead the endeavour with our technology and ensure that this star, Zenos, is rendered inert. We have seen the plans and it is certainly within our capabilities to carry it out."

Clear sighs with relief. Had the High Empire voted against things might have appeared desperate. But as things stand, she knows they have already gained the majority vote of in eight. The vote of Caledonia isn't necessary to win, but she hopes that the drow make the right decision nonetheless.

The drow stands up to her podium and her name appears over her head. Clear reads it as Minister Lysse.

Minister Lysse: "The people of Caledonia have been wronged by humanity of Earth in the past. But we drow never forget the truth of our events. For all the war that humanity brought to us, our people were quick to draw the sword too. Eager to repel the invaders and diminish them in blood. To make it worse, we are well aware of the mortality facing other sentient beings while we drow are reborn from our past lives. Killing a human is not only an act of murder but the unforgivable act of ending their existence. Death can never be a punishment. And so we are wholly in favour of saving the Sol System from destruction."

Before Minister Lysse had cast her vote there was already a stirring of success but when she gave her approval the audience cheers with relief. A chant even springs up as the more jubilant, and probably more drunk, members of the audience start up with;

Audience Chant: "The World of Tomorrow! The World of Tomorrow!"

Clear stares up into the bright, white light with a mixture of horror and awe. She isn't worthy of breaking in such a chant but the people are jubilant that the first gathering of the transgalactic community has ended with a call for hope for the World of Tomorrow.

This day will not be forgotten for a long time.

Peace prevails.

Clear and The Hopeless - Interactive Story Board (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.